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Bateau Bay
Bateau Bay is one of the popular beachside villages along the Central Coast. Close to Tuggerah Lake and The Entrance, it's a laidback spot where you can enjoy sandy beaches, boating and fishing.
Bateau Bay is about 6 km south of the town of The Entrance. It is one of a string of beaches between Terrigal and The Entrance. With relaxed village atmosphere, it is about 95 km north of Sydney.  In 2006, it had a population of 11,599 people. Bateau Bay Beach provides access to Crackneck Point, which is a popular local surfing spot.
Crackneck Point Lookout (274 m high) is a short distance from the beach, where there is a large clearing and carpark with information boards and a picnic-barbecue area. . and 17 km northeast of Gosford's central business district.
Much of the Bateau Bay area is dominated by the southern 140 ha section of Wyrrabalong National Park. A distinctive foreshore feature of the park's coastal cliffs are extensive rock platforms, which are good bases for rock fishing or low tide exploration. Wyrrabalong National Park is a haven for marine, bird, and native wildlife.

The developing project at Bateau Bay is on 98 aches ( e.g 392000 square meters). First stage of development  already finished, 96 houses have been sold out.

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